We want a YouTube channel (Can anybody do that? Maybe called something like "United4Education"?)
ALL groups are then asked to upload videos of recent protests in "their" region in English there.
Considering internationally/globally co-ordinated occupations (of e.g. university buildings or other public spaces) to increase the political pressure and to emphasize the global perspective of the struggle.
Consider to have "activists exchanges" (e.g. small groups from Italy could travel to England and visit occupations and protests there; that way groups and movements will get to know each other better and establish some sort of relationship; of course this can only happen to a certain degree).
Four days ago hundreds of students protested against the introduction of tuition fees in Bielefeld (Germany): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=599Zg2J3kEc
Always tag videos with "international+students+movement", when uploading protest videos on youtube or other platforms.
Write blog entries, websites and upload videos about protests in "your" region in English, so that people around the world can read them!
- Consider to make a "mobilisation video" for the global week of action locally, just like activists in Croatia did for the international day of action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNwqzQMAbT8Activists in Marburg (Germany) will probably do one.
Next chat is in two weeks again ==> 22/02 same time, same place!
Let's do this TOGETHER!
By international.students.movement@gmail.com