lunedì 16 marzo 2009
Documentari autogestiti: migranti movimento merci

Hello guys and girls from Barcelona, Copenhagen, Helsinki or somewhere else,
The french universitary movement is a bit heterogenous... Students are not really mobilized in Paris, but the situation is pretty different outside of Paris. Now there is more than 40 universities blocated, and some are occupied (Paris 13, Rouen, Rennes, Toulouse, Caen, Lyon...). Some teachers unions are in negociations with the government to rewrite the decrets about their status, but the large part of teachers broke with the position of the unions and the two main national coordinations (of universities and students coordination) revendicate the abrogation of the law of autonomous universities (law from 2007) and now the national coordination of universities (all delegations are composed by 5 members, teachers, students and personnal people, of more than 120 universities and technic institutes) asked the abrogation of a 2007's law about the privatization of public services (RGPP, Révision générale des politiques publiques) and the financial organic law of 2006 (Loi organique relative aux lois de finance). It also ask to be mobilized against the Bologna process and the Lisbon strategy, and call to act locally on 18th to 20th march against Lisbon strategy and participate to the Louvain counter summit against Bologna. The national student coordination is problematic cause the NPA (New Anticapitalist Party, trotskists) and a student union (UNEF) tried to manipulate it. They don't want to call to occupations, to open the revendications to non-students subjects (immigration, workers...) and to do the link between different national student movements in Europe.
The "active strike" (alternative lessons, etc.) is failed, and now many teachers want a radicalization of the movement, with occupations and blocage. Student coordination call to take streets in non legal demonstrations. These last days, we did intrusions in many train stations to block the traffic, two times in Paris, in Poitiers, Strasbourg... in Rennes students did occupation of a hospital in restructuration to struggle with workers. There has been some autoreduction (collective take of food in supermarkets to redistibuate it in immigrant occupations or to organize some banquets in popular quarters) in Paris (two times), Rouen, Rennes, Toulouse...
The police was really agressive these last days. Some students are at hospital and many have been arrested. All our struggles are reprimed. Tell us if there is similar things in your country. I saw there was the first begin of social movement in Lituania until the fall of authoritarian communism, in the universities. They did a demo, and were 3000 (it's really new in this country) ! In some univerties, international commissions begun to be created. On wednesday we'll do a debate in a paris university about european mobilization. We'll do some skype video conference with other universities (in france and in south america). If you want to participate, tell us soon. It's at 12:00 (GMT+1) and we can do translations in english, spanish and italian. Well on 19th march, there will be the next general strike.
Very important ! On 27th march, we'll organize a day about european struggles in a social center in Paris (debates, free music, improvisation theater). It would be really great if some of you could come to Paris. We can house you (maybe in some appartments or in an occupation). After the week end will go to the NATO counter summit (1st to 4th april) in Strasbourg for free. Tell us if you could come.
And now some videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8JK1uQHsK4, http://www.dailymotion.com/user/FilmIndep/video/x89fn3_manif-29-01-09-paris_news, http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8kvb4_blocage-de-la-sorbonne-4-mars-2009_news, http://rebellyon.info/article6113.html, http://vagueeuropeenne.fr/spip.php?breve52, http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k5GDnbyUHjbz7KYwrg
Sincerly, Arnaud for the Anomalous european wave Paris / vague européenne
PS : don't forget to diffuse these 3 events : local action against lisbon strategy, from 18th to 20th march, the global week of action from 20th to 29th april and the Louvain counter summit the 27th28th april